Zombie Sheep Experiment

Monday, February 27, 2006

Pick a Stitch

I am traveling to FL for work tomorrow night (returning Friday evening), and I want to take a quick knitting project along with me for airport/airplane/hotel room time. I have a skein of Rio de la Plata multi (Fuscia Red/Green #69), or two skeins of Berroco Hip-Hop (Phantasma, #7262), and I need to decide which to do and what to make.

Obviously, a scarf is easiest and fastest and won't need more yarn than I have, but I can't decide what stitch would show off the lovely colors as well as the thick-and-thin nature of the yarn best. I started with the Rio last night in a moss rib, but that stitch feels too rigid/regimented for the fluid nature of the color and the yarn.

Do I just do a basic 1/1 rib on bigger needles (similar to my Flames scarf)? Do I try a nice diagonal rib or knit on the bias? How about rice stitch or something else like that?

Saturday, February 18, 2006

To Frog or Not To Frog

Baby sweater update. I'm working on the hood. It includes decreases on both ends of every alt row. I followed one book about which kind of decrease to do at which end, but that book failed to mention that, if you don't want a decorative edge, you should swap them.

I noticed I had the edge awhile back but thought I'd just continue with it. 21 or so rows into it now, I'm not happy with it. This is the edge that will be seamed along the neckline, so that row of stitching will show there.

Should I frog it all and start over?

Guess I'll go do a felt swatch I've been meaning to do, while I ponder this question.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Help! Bernat is driving me crazy!

I'm starting to think it's this pattern, and not just me.

I have finished the back, the two front panels and the two sleeves. I've started the hood, but I can't tell whether there's a mistake in the pattern or not. As with all the other pieces, it starts on the smaller needles and has five rows of garter stitch (with increases on the fifth row). Everywhere else, it says to switch to the larger needles and proceed in the check pattern, yadda yadda.

The hood paragraph doesn't mention the larger needles though. I don't know whether to assume they meant for it to be on the smaller needles or that they just have a typo in this generally not-that-clear pattern. Aigh!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Still Knitting

I am definitely behind on the baby hoodie. I have the back and the two front panels done, and am almost done with the first sleeve. I'd hoped to have both sleeves done by now, but I didn't make any progress this weekend or last night, really.

I do have one question on the sleeve. The pattern says to continue until the sleeve is 7.5 inches, then do 8 more rows (for the area inset into the armhole). 7.5 inches ends up being after row 2 of the pattern, which would mean I'd end up with a half-repeat at the shoulder seam. Should I follow the directions exactly, or do you think I can get away with doing those two extra rows, so that I have a full 'check' block at the top of the sleeve? Does that make sense?